

Scientfic publications

Hansen, E. G. Wicki, S. Schaltegger, S. (2021, planned), “Ambidexterity management for diversification through green innovation: lessons learned from unsuccessful separation in SMEs” (In revision at the International Journal of Innovation Management)

Wicki, S. (2019), “The innovation journey for sustainability: A reinterpretation of the Fireworks Model in the context of sustainability-oriented innovation unfolding in small and medium sized enterprises”, Dissertation, Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM), Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17033.16483

Wicki, S. Hansen, E. G. (2019), “Green technology exploration: Anatomy of a Learning Journey”, Journal of Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 28, no 6, p. 970-988. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2295

Hansen, E. G. Wicki, S. & Schaltegger, S. (2018), “Structural ambidexterity, transition processes, and integration trade-offs: a longitudinal study of failed exploration”, Journal of R&D Management, vol. 49, no 4, p. 484-508. DOI: 10.1111/radm.12339

Wicki, S. Hansen, E. G. (2017), “Clean Energy Storage Technology in the Making: An Innovation Systems Perspective on Flywheel Energy Storage”, Journal of Cleaner Production (162), pp. 1118–1134. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.05.132.

Wicki, S. (2015), “Diversification through green innovations: Lessons learned from a German engineering firm”, Umweltwirtschaftsforum 23 (4), pp. 197–203, DOI: 10.1007/s00550-015-0370-7.

Wicki, S. (2013), “Exploration of the business model – sustainability link in the case of the Westland greenhouse sector”, Master Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34649.24167


Conference proceedings

Wicki, S. and Hansen, E.G. (2016) “Green Innovation Processes in SMEs: Anatomy of a Learning Journey”, R&D Management Conference 2016, 3-6 July 2016, Cambridge, United-Kingdom.

Wicki, S. and Hansen, E.G. (2015) “Functions of Innovation Systems: The Case of Flywheel Energy Storage”, XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference, 14-17 June 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

Wicki, S. Hansen E.G. and Schaltegger, S. (2015) “Exploration of Green Technologies in SMEs: the Role of Ambidexterity, Domain Separation and Commercialization”, XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference, 14-17 June 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

Wicki, S. (2014) “Exploration efficiency: lessons learned from an unsuccessful sustainable energy technology innovation”, ETHZ Sustainable Technology PhD Academy, 11 June 2014, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.


Conference presentations (selection)

Wicki, S. and Hansen, E.G. (2016) “Green Innovation Processes in SMEs: Anatomy of a Learning Journey”, R&D Management Conference 2016, 3-6 July 2016, Cambridge, United-Kingdom.

Wicki, S. (2016) “Green technology diversification at SMEs”, Poster presentation, ABIS Innovation for Sustinability (I4S) final conference, Brussesls, Belgium

Wicki, S. (2016) “Learning for sustainable business models: a longitudinal innovation process study”, German CSR Forum – Academic Summit, 5-6 April 2016, Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Wicki, S. and Hansen, E.G. (2015) “Functions of Innovation Systems: the Case of Flywheel Energy Storage”, XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference, 14-17 June 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

Wicki, S. Hansen E.G. and Schaltegger, S. (2015) “Exploration of Green Technologies in SMEs: the Role of Ambidexterity, Domain Separation and Commercialization”, XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference, 14-17 June 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

Wicki, S. Hansen, E.G. and Schaltegger, S. (2014) “Exploration of sustainable technologies and markets by SMEs: Learnings from a failed small wind energy project”, 6th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, 8 October 2014, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany.

Wicki, S. (2014) “Exploration of sustainable technologies and markets by SMEs: Learnings from a failed small wind energy project”, ETHZ Sustainable Technology PhD Academy, 11 June 2014, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.

Wicki, S. (2013) “The role of networks in sustainability-oriented business model innovation”, ABIS Annual Colloquium, Nyenrode University, Amsterdam/Breukelen, The Netherlands.


Colloquia, reports and other Work (selection)

Wicki, S. (2015), “Management studies in crisis and the validity of action research”, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany.

Wicki, S. Hansen, E.G. Schaltegger, S. (2014) “Experten Workshop: Schwungradschpeicher als Beitrag der Energiewende”, Centre for Sustainability Management, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany.

Wicki, S. (2013), “Innovation processes for Sustainable Business Models: an SME Perspective”, Exposé for PhD Thesis, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany.

Boon, B. Raigosa, J. Wicki, S. and Wortel, M. (2013), “Car sharing in the UK:
How can it become mainstream?”, Report, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.

Studer, M. Wicki, S Wu, W-H. (2012),  “Synthesis of the Executive Summer School 2012”, GEPP Global Environmental Policy Program, UNDP and University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Avancine, F. Galanos, T. Hoffman, A. Schrauwen, N. Wu, W-H. Wicki, S. (2012), “Complex adaptative systems approach for the Westland Greenhouse Sector”, Report for the Municipality of Westland. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.